16 March 2008

It's The Music (They're Dancing To)

Music Was The Theme by LaertesCTB ~ Sonata Music by jrossol
The Edge of the Music by Violator3 ~ Stylus BW by plasticrevolver
Title of post from song by Burningpilot

I love music - I find the music I listen to can often enhance my mood, and I listen to a wide variety of music depending on my mood and what I am doing at the time. This morning, I found myself wondering, what makes a good song? What's the difference between a good song and an amazing song? Is it the lyrics? The melody? The bassline? Clearly, it is a mixture of all these things, and is different for everyone. Personally, I find lyrics are very important for me - I rarely like songs which just repeat one or two lines. My favourite songs at any moment tend to be ones in which I can relate to the lyrics.

When crafting, I like to have music playing in the background, to help inspire and motivate me. I have found the best music for this is catchy, happy, poppy music! Music which is easy to listen to, and which I can sing along to. Recently whilst crafting, I have been listening to a mix cd which I received from a friend full of summery songs, The Long Blondes, and Lucky Soul. Also featuring have been The Hoosiers, The Wombats and Kate Nash.

What music do you listen to when crafting?

(Apologies for the lack of posting recently, I was ill with flu, normal service shall resume shortly!)


Anonymous said...

Did the Hoosiers do that song about being worried about Ray? I love that song! I don't really listen to music while I craft - I always find that I tune it out to stop it distracting me, so there's not much point it being on in the first place! I'm one of those rare and much-maligned people who don't actually care for music all that much...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the one! Most of their songs sound the same, but they are poppy and happy. I quite like the distraction that music provides, I think maybe that is why I love music so much. I like watching films for the same reason, to get absorbed into them and to be distracted. I'm a true mathematician - scared of the real world!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, I should listen to music when I craft but I tend not to! I cannot clean up efficiently without music though, and it has to be something very cheerful or very loud. Vampire Weekend would be good cleaning up music. My sewing machine is too noisy for music!