29 March 2008

Plastic Ain't My Bag!

Eco bags

Since the budget was announced, I have heard a few people complaining about the suggestion of charging for plastic carrier bags. I however, think this is a good idea - plastic carrier bags are such a waste, and the majority of the time, so unneccesary. People do not tend to reuse them, and those which do get reused break pretty easily as they are not designed to last long. So here are some longer lasting, more eco-friendly suggestions, based on bags I have bought and love!

The Co-op sell Fairtrade cotton bags - these are fairly big and really useful, and can be folded pretty small when not in use, so are handy to carry round.

Another handy bag is the Onya bag - these bags are made from the same material parachutes are made from and so are very strong, and they fold up into a small bag which can be attached to your keys or handbag, ensuring you can always have this bag with you for when you need it! I find this bag very useful, as I was never very good at remembering to take bags with me when going shopping - now I always have one!

Magic Number Three cafe in Saltaire sell these lovely bags which are huge, with straps long enough to carry over your shoulder. These bags are great for when you are doing a big shop, but do not fold down so are best for when you are planning to shop! (If anyone if interested in one of these bags and can't get to Saltaire, email me and I will arrange to buy and post one to you - the bags cost £3.50 (plus P&P if buying from me)).

Finally, the most recent bag I bought is the "Plastic Ain't My Bag" bag from We Are What We Do. This website is designed to inspire people to change the world using small actions, and I am loving exploring it so far!I would highly recommend everyone to check out the site, and to register and track your actions! If you do, please add me as a friend using the email address fearful_penguin@hotmail.com - it would be great to see how you are all getting on!

I hope this has inspired you to stop using plastic bags - in fact, I DARE you to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was one of my NY resolutions not to use plastic bags anymore, and I'm doing quite well, I think! I always have a cloth bag or two in my handbag for purchases and I have sturdier owven bags for my food shopping.